Interview with Ram Dutt Tripathi
Ram Dutt Tripathi graduated from Allahabad University. He shares his experience of being a student during the Emergency of 1975. This material is exhibited as part of the Memories of Change exhibition.
Curation / In English / India / MoC / MoC#1: Emergency / Political Archives / Political Intermediaries / South Asia / Youth Politics
by J-T.M. · Published 08/11/2019 · Last modified 07/03/2021
Ram Dutt Tripathi graduated from Allahabad University. He shares his experience of being a student during the Emergency of 1975. This material is exhibited as part of the Memories of Change exhibition.
Curation / In English / MoC / MoC#1: Emergency / Political Archives / Political Intermediaries / South Asia / Youth Politics
by J-T.M. · Published 06/11/2019 · Last modified 07/03/2021
This material is exhibited as part of the Memories of Change exhibition.
Curation / In English / MoC / MoC#1: Emergency / Political Archives / South Asia / Youth Politics
by J-T.M. · Published 06/11/2019 · Last modified 07/03/2021
Gyan Prakash is historian of modern India and the Dayton-Stockton Professor of History at Princeton University. During his Masters at Jawahrlal Nehru University, he served as the General Secretary at the JNU Students’ Union…
Curation / In English / India / MoC / MoC#1: Emergency / Political Archives / Political Intermediaries / Youth Politics
by J-T.M. · Published 06/11/2019 · Last modified 07/03/2021
Prof. Anand Kumar is a retired professor of sociology at Jawaharlal Nehru University. He was a student at JNU in the 1970s and was a part of a student collective called Free Thinkers…
Curation / In English / India / MoC / MoC#1: Emergency / Political Archives
by J-T.M. · Published 05/11/2019 · Last modified 07/03/2021
Selected pamphlets pertaining to the period of the Emergency. This material, sorted thematically is exhibited in the form of lantern covers. They are part of the Memories of Change exhibition.
Curation / In English / India / MoC / MoC#1: Emergency / Political Archives
by J-T.M. · Published 05/11/2019 · Last modified 01/07/2020
Pamphlets showcasing the involvment of student activists during the Emergency. This specific selection engages with the crackdown of the Indira Gandhi administration on Jawahalal Nehru University student activism in 1975. This material is exhibited…
Curation / In English / India / MoC / MoC#1: Emergency / Political Archives
by J-T.M. · Published 04/11/2019 · Last modified 01/07/2020
Pamphlets showcasing the involvment of student activists during the Emergency. This specific selection engages with the crackdown of the Indira Gandhi administration on Jawahalal Nehru University student activism in 1975. This material is exhibited…
Curation / In English / India / MoC / MoC#1: Emergency / Political Archives / Political Intermediaries / South Asia / Youth Politics
by J-T.M. · Published 22/09/2019 · Last modified 02/05/2021
Prakash Karat pursued his PhD from JNU in the 1970s. He played an important role in the formation of the Jawaharlal Nehru University Students’ Union and its constitution. He shares his experience of the...
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I showcase here textual and visual gems of a geek mixed methods ethnography in political science and sociology, focusing mainly on educated youth, representation and political becoming in contemporary India. The repository gravitates around a monograph in preparation on campus activism and Indian democracy, and introduces the curated material of an archival exhibition on student politics.
Topol showcases textual and visual gems of a geek mixed methods ethnography in political science and sociology, focusing mainly on educated youth, representation and political becoming in contemporary India. The notebook gravitates around a monograph in preparation on campus activism and Indian democracy, and introduces the curated material of an archival exhibition on student politics.
I showcase here textual and visual gems of a geek mixed methods ethnography in political science and sociology, focusing mainly on educated youth, representation and political becoming in contemporary India. The repository gravitates around a monograph in preparation on campus activism and Indian democracy, and introduces the curated material of an archival exhibition on student politics. I have a growing interest in text analysis and the study of populist speeches. Content is open access.