Interview with Tahir Jamal
Tahir Jamal is a PhD student at Hyderabad Central University. He is a student activist fighting for minority rights and played at active role in the Dalit rights movement in the aftermath of Rohit Vemula…
Curation / Feed / In English / India / MoC / MoC#6: Caste / Political Archives / Political Intermediaries / South Asia / Youth Politics
by J-T.M. · Published 10/11/2019 · Last modified 07/03/2021
Tahir Jamal is a PhD student at Hyderabad Central University. He is a student activist fighting for minority rights and played at active role in the Dalit rights movement in the aftermath of Rohit Vemula…
Curation / In English / India / MoC / MoC#6: Caste / Political Archives / Political Intermediaries / South Asia / Youth Politics
by J-T.M. · Published 08/11/2019 · Last modified 07/03/2021
Praveen Thallapelli is a former activist of the Telangana National Movement. When he joined JNU he integrated BAPSA and became their Presidential Candidate in the JNUSU Elections. This material is exhibited as part…
Curation / In English / India / MoC / MoC#6: Caste / Political Archives / Political Intermediaries / South Asia / Youth Politics
by J-T.M. · Published 08/11/2019 · Last modified 07/03/2021
Jignesh Mevani led the Dalit protests in Gujarat in the aftermath of the Anti-Dalit attack in Una, Gujarat in 2016. This material is exhibited as part of the Memories of Change exhibition.
Curation / In English / India / MoC / MoC#6: Caste / Political Archives / Political Intermediaries / South Asia / Youth Politics
by J-T.M. · Published 06/11/2019 · Last modified 07/03/2021
Dontha Prashant is a PhD scholar in Economics at the Central University of Hyderabad (HCU). He was one of the five Dalit PhD scholars from HCU, including Rohith Vemula who was suspended in…
Curation / In English / India / MoC / MoC#6: Caste / Political Archives / Political Intermediaries / South Asia / Youth Politics
by J-T.M. · Published 06/11/2019 · Last modified 07/03/2021
Rohit Vemula was a Dalit-rights student activist and a PhD scholar at the Central University of Hyderabad.
He committed suicide in 2016 due to caste discrimination at his University. His suicide led to….
Curation / In English / MoC / MoC#6: Caste / Political Archives
by J-T.M. · Published 06/11/2019 · Last modified 07/03/2021
Selected pamphlets pertaining to caste-related questions. This material, sorted thematically is exhibited in the form of lantern covers. They are part of the Memories of Change exhibition.
Curation / In English / MoC / MoC#6: Caste / Political Archives / Youth Politics
by J-T.M. · Published 05/11/2019 · Last modified 01/07/2020
Pamphlets showcasing the acrimonious debates revolving around caste questions in campus spaces. This specific selection from 2016 engages with the uproar following the suicide of Dalit student activist in the University of Hyderabad. This material is exhibited on a wall panel as part of the Memories of Change exhibition.
Curation / In English / India / MoC / MoC#6: Caste / Political Archives
by J-T.M. · Published 30/10/2019 · Last modified 01/07/2020
Pamphlets showcasing the acrimonious debates revolving around caste questions in campus spaces, in particular in Jawaharlal Nerhru University. This material is exhibited in the form of a pamphlet stack in the Memories of Change exhibition.
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I showcase here textual and visual gems of a geek mixed methods ethnography in political science and sociology, focusing mainly on educated youth, representation and political becoming in contemporary India. The repository gravitates around a monograph in preparation on campus activism and Indian democracy, and introduces the curated material of an archival exhibition on student politics.
Topol showcases textual and visual gems of a geek mixed methods ethnography in political science and sociology, focusing mainly on educated youth, representation and political becoming in contemporary India. The notebook gravitates around a monograph in preparation on campus activism and Indian democracy, and introduces the curated material of an archival exhibition on student politics.
I showcase here textual and visual gems of a geek mixed methods ethnography in political science and sociology, focusing mainly on educated youth, representation and political becoming in contemporary India. The repository gravitates around a monograph in preparation on campus activism and Indian democracy, and introduces the curated material of an archival exhibition on student politics. I have a growing interest in text analysis and the study of populist speeches. Content is open access.