Guru ki baat
What constitutes a convincing expressions of political connect, relatedness and commonness? Exploring Narendra Modi’s Mann ki baats, we suggest that part of the answer lays in the overlapping lexical and stylistic realm of Modi...
DIPMS Project / In English / Journal Article / Populism & Representation / Preprint / Publications / Text Analysis
by J-T. M. · Published 15/01/2021 · Last modified 21/04/2021
What constitutes a convincing expressions of political connect, relatedness and commonness? Exploring Narendra Modi’s Mann ki baats, we suggest that part of the answer lays in the overlapping lexical and stylistic realm of Modi...
Code / DIPMS Project / History / In English / India / Populism & Representation / Text Analysis / Varia
by J-T.M. · Published 02/07/2020 · Last modified 20/04/2021
This is the replication file of the draft manuscript submitted to the American Political Science Review. It is titled ‘Aping the People’: Populist Identification as Mimesis in Narendra Modi’s Speeches. The SMUR version of the article is found above.
DIPMS Project / History / In English / India / Journal Article / Preprint / Publications / Text Analysis
by J-T.M. · Published 25/06/2020 · Last modified 20/04/2021
This essay uses a natural language processing model trained on a large database of speeches from Prime Ministers since 1946 to generate analytically intelligible answers to a much-debated question: what is the idea of India?
Datasets / DIPMS Project / In English / India / Populism & Representation / Text Analysis
by J-T. M. · Published 22/06/2020 · Last modified 21/04/2021
This presentation at the TCPD centre of Ashoka University aims at mapping Indian Prime Ministers’s speeches and their affinities with populism, by comparing them to seemingly non-political actors: religious gurus and policy planners. <<...
DIPMS Project / In English / India / Journal Article / Populism & Representation / Preprint / Publications / Text Analysis
by J-T.M. · Published 02/05/2020 · Last modified 15/04/2021
We hypothesize that populism relies on a mimesis of the putative people as a metaphor of the majority. It requires anti-elitism to be complemented by a people-leaders’ identification abolishing the symbolic distance between the represented and the representative.
DIPMS Project / In English / India / Op-ed / Populism & Representation / Publications / Text Analysis
by J-T.M. · Published 29/04/2020 · Last modified 15/04/2021
The management of the coronavirus spread is not only a global rupture, it also signals the consolidation of the personalistic and intimate rapport between Modi and the people, which routinizes direct populist appeals through disfiguring democratic institutions.
Datasets / DIPMS Project / In English / In Hindi / India / Political Archives / South Asia / Text Analysis
by J-T. M. · Published 27/04/2020 · Last modified 21/04/2021
You can find here a range of datasets of textual rendering of speeches, writings and pamphlets of Indian politicians, student activists, historical figures, administrators and religious gurus involved in the making of contemporary India....
Code / DIPMS Project / In English / In Hindi / India / South Asia / Text Analysis / Varia
by J-T. M. · Published 05/04/2020 · Last modified 02/05/2021
Scripts to batch process textual data for analysis in R, Python, TXM and IRaMuTeQ. The repo contains tools to extract text – and its metadata – from digital sources (PDFs, HTML, SRT), clean it...
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I showcase here textual and visual gems of a geek mixed methods ethnography in political science and sociology, focusing mainly on educated youth, representation and political becoming in contemporary India. The repository gravitates around a monograph in preparation on campus activism and Indian democracy, and introduces the curated material of an archival exhibition on student politics.
Topol showcases textual and visual gems of a geek mixed methods ethnography in political science and sociology, focusing mainly on educated youth, representation and political becoming in contemporary India. The notebook gravitates around a monograph in preparation on campus activism and Indian democracy, and introduces the curated material of an archival exhibition on student politics.
I showcase here textual and visual gems of a geek mixed methods ethnography in political science and sociology, focusing mainly on educated youth, representation and political becoming in contemporary India. The repository gravitates around a monograph in preparation on campus activism and Indian democracy, and introduces the curated material of an archival exhibition on student politics. I have a growing interest in text analysis and the study of populist speeches. Content is open access.